After what seemed like FOREVER, I was finally induced to have my little Brennley. My doctor had decided the week before that it was probably BEST to induce because she just knew Bren was going to be BIG!
We started the party the night of Sept 8th. John and I packed our bags and headed to the hospital, we were both sooo giddy! Once there we got admitted and got settled into the room we would become THREE! My wonderful nurse got me settled into bed and placed a mediciation on my cervix to get things going down there :) Aunt Crystal arrived with ymmy Subway and I scarfed my 12inch sub knowing that would be my last meal for who knows how was sooo good!!!! Crystal had craft time and we all just visited for a few hours until my nurse gave me my Ambien i decided to try and get a few hours of sleep. And a few is all I got...about 2 hours to be exact. Bright and early my wonderful doctor came into check on me and how i was progressing so far...NO CHANGE!! Also at this point we found out that out little stinker was "sunny side up" meaning she was face up instead of face down making it harder for her to "come out." She said not to worry it was still early and hopefully Bren would rotate on her own! My doctor decided to go a head and start some pitocin to get my contractions stronger....and man that stuff was crazy. My contractions were strong but I wanted to be further dilated before getting my I stayed strong for a while :) My awesome LND nurse had me in all sorts of crazy positions to try and get Bren to drop into the birth canal and rotate...I sat in a rocking chair for an hour, I was on my hands and knees in the bed, sitting up in the bed, rocking my was a busy day. Around lunch time my doctor came back to check on me and see if things were changing...At this time, I had gone from 2 cm to 4!! I was starting to feel somewhat defeated, but I had some great cheerleaders including my sister and my amazing hubs. My doc decided she would break my water and hope that would help me move along. That was the weirdest thing EVER...I felt like I was sitting in a hot tub...there was soooo much...GROSS!! My doctor also decided to get some internal monitors on because the external wasnt really picking up my contractions right and she also put a monitor on Bren so we could get a better idea of her heart rate. Once those monitors were in, the nurse realized my contraction were a way too close and way too strong and Brennley was really tolerating them so the pitocin was turned off :(
I was still having pretty strong contractions on my own without the medication...after a little rest the pitocin was turned back on. It seems like we played the on/off game with the pitocin for the rest of the day. At this point my contractions were super strong and I was getting really tired so I decided it was time for a little relief :) Once i got the epidural things are a little better...but i really dont think my epidural was very strong because I could still feel the stronger contactions and my legs werent numb at all...weird!!
We passed the day with a lot of talking, watching movies (Blue Collar Comedy)...we were all cracking up, and I filled out some of Brens baby book. My best friend Megan drove from houston and made it before Bren was born...i was so glad to have her there...she was an amazing coach too.
My doctor came back around 6 to check on me again...I was still only 4cm dilated. I wanted to CRY!! Why was this taking sooo long?!?! My doctor said based on my lack on progress and Bren not really tolerating thing she recommended the BIG c-section....I wasnt really ready to go with it and asked for some more time...she was cool with that and said she would give me until 9. The next three hours flew by...i did lots of different positions again, had to wear some oxygen, got some lower back back was killing me! I eventually totally lost it and cried...i felt like i failed...I really hated the idea of a c-section...i just wanted to do it on my own :(
By 9pm my doc was back and there was absolutely NO CHANGE!! She said it was time...and a matter of Bren's health and once she said that, there was no question about...OR here we come!!
After crying some more...I started getting really excited...I was going to meet MY daughter within the hour!!!!
The surgery wasnt as bad as I thought it would be...Brennley Morgan was born at 9:30pm.....The second I heard her crying i started bawling....John was amazing and he was soooo happy and crying too....Ill never forget that feeling! Two of my friends from the NICU were there in the OR to take care of Bren and make sure she was doing okay....she was crying and looked so cute...I just couldnt wait to hold my little baby!!!! Now remember what I said in the begining the reason we induced a week early was for a BIG baby...but she was soooo tiny...only 5lb 13oz and 17 1/2in. She was all wrapped on and I finally got to hold her....she was the most beautiful babies EVER!!!! I was in love!!
They finished up with me and then took me back to recover before i went to a post partum room. During the recovery process i felt great, but i couldnt stop shaking... i hated that!!
I got to hold Bren and feed her and do some skin to skin...then all the family came in to meet her...
I spent 4 night in the hospital and did lots of resting and bonding with my little lady. We only had a few bumps in the road at the hospital....Bren lost about 10oz after 24 hours, so we started giving her formula after she breastfed. Then on the third day she got jaindice and bought herself a tanning bed for a night...that was awful, poor girl was pissed all night...she hated it!
We got to bring our little peanut home on Sunday! That was the coolest thing ever....We had to make a quick stop at target to get all my meds before heading home....and then we were HOME with our BABY!!!!! Brennley...I love you so much, you make me so happy!!!!!
Our Sweet Quads are 4!
12 years ago
And this has been the best study break ever! I had to force myself to stop watching the pictures over and over again! :) I miss ya'll so much! I wish I could be there in Dallas to run and play with the FALCO TRIO!!! Rayanne and John she is absolutly perfect! Cheers to the new parents! Call day or night rain or shine if you need anything!
Congratulations! I'm so happy for yall:)
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